- Zelená strecha
- Zachytávanie dažďovej vody
- Rekultivácia areálu ZŠ
- Parkovisko
- Chodník
- Dažďový záhon 1
- Dažďový záhon 2
- Dažďový záhon 3
- Záhon vo svahu
- Živý plot
- Záhradný labyrint
- Výsadba stromov
- Trávnaté plochy
- Balkónové kvetináče
- Úvodná konferencia
- Metodické školenie učiteľov ZŠ - 1. a 2. časť
- Mediálne a propagačné aktivity
- Dobrovoľné brigády
- Záverečný seminár
- Vzdelávacie osnovy pre ZŠ
- Green Roof
- Catching Rainwater
- Recultivation of the Elementary School Area
- Parking Area
- Sidewalk
- Rainwater Flowerbed 1
- Rainwater Flowerbed 2
- Rainwater Flowerbed 3
- Green Fence
- Garden Labyrinth
- Trees planting
- Grass Areas
- Balcony Flower Pots
- Downhill Flowerbed
- Opening Conference
- Methodical Training for Elementary School Teachers
- Volunteer Work Sessions
- Closing Seminar
- Education Curricula for Elementary Schools
- Media and Promotion Activities
Opening Conference
Informing parents of the ZŠ Lomnica pupils and citizens of the Lomnica town section on the problem of rainwater management and its connection with climate changes, on program objectives and activities planned within the project, obtaining public support to realize the project.Scheduled Activities
Organizing a public meeting at the ZŠ Lomnica, professional presentations on the issues and a discussion with citizens.Realized Activities
On 30th March, 2015 an opening conference on the School of Healthy Climate II project was held in the conference room of the Vranov nad Topľou Municipal Office. 24 participants were present, specifically management members and professional employees of the municipality as well as project managers, journalists and elementary schools teachers from the district. The conference program contained, apart from introducing objectives, results and activities planned within the project, the following professional presentations:Klimatická zmena a trvalo udržateľný manažment vôd v krajine (Mgr. Pavol Varga, MVO Ľudia a voda, Košice),
Zachytávanie dažďových vôd a zmierňovanie klimatickej zmeny v blízkosti ľudských sídiel (Ing. Štefan Szabó, PhD., SOSNA o. z., Družstevná pri Hornáde),
Environmentálna výchova - zapojenie škôl do aktivít na zastavenie klimatických zmien (PaeDr. Zuzana Királyová).
On 21st April, 2015 a public meeting was held in the ZŠ Lomnica in the presence of 23 citizens of the Lomnica town section. The meeting program comprised presentations to introduce the problem of climate changes to the participants and to present the objectives, results and activities planned within the project.
„Mysli globálne, konaj lokálne“ – „Think globally, act locally“
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.
Projekt je financovaný z grantov Islandu, Lichtenštajnska a Nórska prostredníctvom Finančného mechanizmu EHP a zo štátneho rozpočtu SR.