Project activities
Adaptation Measures
- Green Roof
- Catching Rainwater
- Recultivation of the Elementary School Area
- Parking Area
- Sidewalk
- Rainwater Flowerbed 1
- Rainwater Flowerbed 2
- Rainwater Flowerbed 3
- Green Fence
- Garden Labyrinth
- Trees planting
- Grass Areas
- Balcony Flower Pots
- Downhill Flowerbed
Education and Information Activities
- Opening Conference
- Methodical Training for Elementary School Teachers
- Volunteer Work Sessions
- Closing Seminar
- Education Curricula for Elementary Schools
- Media and Promotion Activities
„Mysli globálne, konaj lokálne“ – „Think globally, act locally“
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.
Projekt je financovaný z grantov Islandu, Lichtenštajnska a Nórska prostredníctvom Finančného mechanizmu EHP a zo štátneho rozpočtu SR.