Project summary
Funding source: Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (FM EEA) (85%) and the government budget of the Slovak Republic (15%) -
Programme area: Adaptation to Climate Change – Floods and Droughts Prevention -
50-sk/prisposobenie-sa-zmene- klimy/ Programme aim: To increase awareness and education in the field of adaptation to climate change
Programme results: Elaboration and promotion of schemes focused on rainwater management and its influence on the climate change for elementary and secondary schools.
Advertising all information on the programme „Adaptation to Climate Change - Floods and Droughts Prevention“ for general public by the means of Internet.
Project title: School of Healthy Climate II -
index.php?ID=155185&l=sk Implementor: The Municipality of Vranov nad Topľou
Project partner: SOSNA o. z. Družstevná pri Hornáde
Place of implementation: Elementary School Vranov nad Topľou – Lomnická St. (abbrev. ZŠ Lomnica)
Approved grant: EUR 40,000.00
Implementation period: 07.10.2014 – 31.01.2016
Situation: In the region of Vranov nad Topľou, innovative technologies focused on sustainable management of rainwater that is essential to mitigate climate change impacts, remain unused. Also education, dissemination of information and building capacities in the field of climate change mitigation to social-economic environment focused on priority target groups appears (schools, self-government, businesses, general public) to be insufficient.
Problem: Unsatisfactory situation in the ZŠ Lomnica as for the rainwater management and insufficient awareness of people in the town section Vranov nad Topľou - Lomnica and the region of Vranov nad Topľou in the issues of climate change.
The building of ZŠ Lomnica has unsuitable composition of roof deck and inconvenient system of rainwater draining. The ZŠ Lomnica area has a large concrete compacted areas made of water-resistant material and unadjusted parking area with almost no greenery.
Objective: Advancement of rainwater management in the region of Vranov nad Topľou by the means of adaptation measurements implementation on the example of ZŠ Lomnica, educating children, teachers, general public as for the possibilities of climate change prevention.
Results: The implementation of the project will achieve:- Improvement of climate in the building and area of ZŠ Lomnica,
- Increase in functional and aesthetic value of the ZŠ Lomnica area,
- Improvement of quality of education about climate change at elementary schools,
- Increase in engagement of people in the town section Lomnica in community activities,
- Increase in interest of general public in climate change and innovations.
Activities: The project will comprise activities demonstrating 11 adaptation measurements:
- Building 338 m2 of green „vegetation“ roof on the ZŠ Lomnica building,
- Reduce concrete compacted areas in front of the ZŠ Lomnica building by 81 m2,
- Installation of 63 m2 of green pavement on the car parking in front of the ZŠ Lomnica building,
- Installation of 80 m2 of water-permeable pavement in front of the ZŠ Lomnica building,
- Creating 54 m2 of rainwater flowerbeds in the ZŠ Lomnica area and at the stand for municipal waste,
- Creating a garden labyrinth of 164 m2 in the ZŠ Lomnica area with gravel pavements, decorative and fruity shrubs,
- planting 4 grown-up trees and other decorative plants in the ZŠ Lomnica area,
- planting out 255 m2 of grassland in the ZŠ Lomnica area,
- installing 20 m of roof-gutter on the terrace of ZŠ Lomnica building and two rainwater-collection barrels,
- installing 7 balcony flowerpots on the terrace of ZŠ Lomnica building,
- creating a small vegetable bed in the ZŠ Lomnica area.
Education: The project will comprise the following activities:
- making and testing teaching schemes related to climate change for 1st to 9th class of elementary schools,
- five voluntary workdays for local volunteers and pupils of ZŠ Lomnica related to the implementation of adaptation measures,
- methodical training related to climate change for 25 teachers from elementary schools in the region of Vranov nad Topľou.
Promotion: The project will contain the following information activities:
- opening session for 40 participants (parents, residents, self-government representatives, professional public),
- closing seminar for 50 participants (detto),
- website about the programme called Blue Schools and the project called Healthy Climate School II,
- media activities.
Target groups: The direct recipients of the project contribution are pupils attending and teachers working at ZŠ Lomnica, teachers and the region of Vranov nad Topľou, Vranov nad Topľou self-government, professional public.
The indirect recipients of the project contribution are other self-governments from the region of Vranov nad Topľou, non-governmental organisations, business persons in construction industry, gardening and providers of related services.
Partners: The project has no partner from the country of programme donor. The domestic partner is SOSNA o. z. Družstevná pri Hornáde providing know-how and consulting activities during the implementation of the adaptation measures as for the rainwater management.
Project team: RNDr. Pavol Kaňuch – overall coordination, management of adaptation measures, documentation, reports processing,
PaedDr. Mariana Lapčáková – public procurement, administrative support,
PaedDr. Slávka Ihnátová – organisation support,
RNDr. Silvia Szabóová – professional consultancy, education,
Mária Tiňová – accounting, orders and payments for suppliers.„Mysli globálne, konaj lokálne“ – „Think globally, act locally“
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.
Projekt je financovaný z grantov Islandu, Lichtenštajnska a Nórska prostredníctvom Finančného mechanizmu EHP a zo štátneho rozpočtu SR.